Together We Build The Future

Kebele 03 Primary School

Our project to renovate the Primary school and providing support for the local community.

Kebele 03 Primary School

Congratulations to all of our supporters and all of you who encouraged us on this renovation project we would like to announce that we completed the project and handed the new buildings to the city school administration in an inaugural ceremony. 
This project was carried out through an agreement between the project organizers from Martha Belay, the Kebele 03 school administration and local government authorities. Upon completion, the classroom blocks were formally handed over to the school and community, through an inauguration ceremony hosted by the school, government officials and community representatives.
For more information about the Kebele 03 School Renovation (including photos, videos, and updates on the project from start to finish), you can visit the GoFundMe and YouTube channel that were created for and updated throughout the project. We would like to thank all of you for your continued support in this amazing project and we are confident that your support will continue on our upcoming projects.


This project seeks to construct new classrooms for Kebele 03 Elementary School, located in Gondar, Ethiopia. This is a public school which was founded in 1989 (1982 in the Ethiopian calendar) and educates children in Kindergarten through Grade 8. The school currently has 4 blocks which consist of 8 classrooms, 1 laboratory, and teachers’ offices, and has a total enrollment of 787 students. However, all 4 of the existing blocks are in poor condition and need to be replaced.

This campaign seeks to raise the funds required to construct 2 new classroom blocks (each of which will include 4 classrooms), which will be handed over to the school upon completion. We recently completed a similar project in which we built 8 new classrooms at Key Amba Primary School in Gondar (a different primary school located in Kebele 01 of Gondar), and we hope that our learning from that project will help us to continue to contribute to the development of Gondar, a city that we love.
Thank you all in advance for helping us to improve the educational prospects for the 787 students of this school!

Completed Project

Our Goal

All donations 100% will go to support the construction of the primary school. Our project is working with the local community and we’ve achieved great successes.

How it was started

Video Updates

Project Update #1

Project Update #2

Project Update #3

gonder school project update

Project Update #4

gonder school project update

Project Update #5

gonder school project update

Project Update #6

gonder school project update

Project Completed!

Support us - ለማገዝ ከፈለጉ

Our Goal: $25,000

በሐገር ውስጥ ለምትገኙ ወገኖቻችን

ድጋፍዎን በሚከተለው የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ የሂሳብ ቁጥር ይላኩልን።
1000273886641 Axumawit Abrha
Please make your donation on the following bank account Commercial Bank of Ethiopia – 1000273886641 Axumawit Abrha

To Donate Online ከሐገር ውጭ ለምትገኙ ወገኖቻችን

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