Kebele 03 School Renovation Completed!
Congratulations to all of our supporters and all of you who encouraged us on this renovation project we would like to announce that we completed the project and handed the new buildings to the city school administration in an inaugural ceremony.
Since our last update, we were able to complete all eight classrooms and made them ready for the new school year.
As we always share the project update videos to keep you informed of the status of the project, please watch the inauguration and handling ceremony of the Kebele 03 classroom renovation project.
We would like to thank all of you for your continued support in this amazing project and we are confident that your support will continue on our upcoming similar project of rebuilding Chechela Elementary School in the city of Gondar.
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1000273886641 Axumawit Abrha
Please make your donation on the following bank account Commercial Bank of Ethiopia – 1000273886641 Axumawit Abrha